Monday, March 17, 2014


Fitness goals are often met with the hope of shortcuts and quick fixes. Let me tell you something today! It “ain’t gonna” work! I don’t care how effective, eloquent, passionate, exciting, enticing, encouraging the infomercial or the marketing campaigns are…nothing compares to the results you achieve when you workout hard, workout smart.
And I am not talking just about the physical benefits. Fitness as a lifestyle goes FAR beyond the physical. It reaches right into the heart and soul of your being! It seizes the very fiber of who you are and even forms the cells of your future being.
Fitness is LIFE.
And life should be met with everything we’ve got. Not a shortcut, a quick fix, a wimpy hope or dream. I say it all the time but you only have one body, one life. And it should be met with passion, intensity, vision, wisdom, determination, fearlessness, conviction….Your life should be lived head on, full bore, hardcore.
We all do that differently but we should all do it! No excuses!
And your physical fitness is irrefutably linked. Workout hard, workout smart, workout with all the qualities I mention because your LIFE depends on it. Whether you wish to accept it or not the quality of your life is dependent on the quality of this choice.
Yea, you may think you are living the good life even though you may admit to being a bit pudgy; to having a few aches; to not being as agile as you were a few years ago.
But so many others are far worse off, right? So you’re not doing so badly really. Why should you bother yourself with a workout every day much less to workout hard, workout smart? You’re golden just by giving it a glancing blow once in while…so you think.
Listen to me for a minute. You may, in the standards of mass society, be doing okay. Your belly my not hang all the way over your belt and a quick jaunt around the block may not leave you gasping for air like a beached fish, but is that the best you can do? I think you could be doing better by your body and yourself.
Your body was not designed for this modern way of sedentary life. And whether you think it is or not, that reality affects far more than just your physique. Think about it this way. Just as your career was not built on shortcuts, those houses and cars weren’t bought and maintained on cheap, half efforts, neither is your body and the YOU that lives inside of it.
I am so OVER all these quick fixes for our lives. Workout Hard, Workout Smart.
What if our creator were into shortcuts and quick fixes? What if we were created the way we now choose to live; to fuel and engage our bodies? Think about the horrors of that idea.
Your body was made to move. And your heart, soul…the spirit of who you are revels in activity…it rejoices and thrives in the face of physical challenge just as well as your physical body does. So stop looking for the easy way out. Workout hard, workout smart and change your entire life.
I’m serious. I’m ready for the real deal and real people who want the real deal…an authentic life! Aren’t you ready too?
Don’t fall prey to the slow fade that leaves you believing that shortcuts, fast track solutions, and slick marketing campaigns have the answers. They don’t. That’s why you are still here…still short of your goals; still just hoping and dreaming. It is never going to work…not for life…and I mean LIFE!
Make up your mind that you are worth it. That you are worth more than a slimmer waist and a few muscles. Decide that you are worth it mind, body and spirit…through and through, inside and out. And then get in there and workout hard, workout smart and feel the LIFE that surges through your veins.
Sure it’s gonna hurt. Your lazy body will kick and scream and throw an all-out temper tantrum. So what. Do it anyway.
You know what? One day, in the not too distant future the sun will rise on a day when you see it as essential for your day. Miss that workout and your body throws a fit for a new reason. Why, because it is life; it is how you were designed to live and whether you have accepted it or not your body knows it.
Gyms and workout plans weren’t always part of life. But modern ways have removed the physical from our lives. But we are blessed to have ways and means to overcome the present lack. And unless you want to go back 100 years and work the farm, embrace fitness with passion and purpose for more than just your physique. Workout hard, workout smart because you can and because your life depends on it.
It truly does whether you’ve been willing to accept it or not. But today is a new day and you have a choice. Will you embrace what you have resisted but is the very thing that will deliver to you the life you want and were born to have?

Workout Hard, Workout Smart…there is NO Excuse!"
Written by: Carl Mason-Liebenberg

I have adopted this piece of writing from Carl because it hit me about as hard as a kick in the face.
I truly needed to share it with you, in the event that you needed that little reminder of what you want, a reminder of what you are capable of, a reminder of what you have committed to - yourself.

I needed to put it up here, so that I could have a reminder of all of the above. I need to be able to read this every time I need that push, that reminder of why I am here, and what I have committed to.

There is pure pure power in here, it is to the point, and yes all up in your grill, but frankly it gave me a long hard stare down at what is really going on.

Yes, I give it my all, but truth be told, there is always that little voice that compared what I'm doing now to what I did, and thought was great. There is a slip in eating here and there, because its not completely off the rails, but not clean regardless. It allows for excuses as to why I can have a longer rest period; as to why I look at Turkish Get Ups and think "f*ck this for a complicated crock of sheizze". This thinking allows for a little slack and thus a little room for improvement.

I'm going into my last month of training for this season, and it is all or nothing. I am making a full commitment to ME! Where there is room for improvement I am going to own it. Be it in my workouts, in my eating or in my daily hustle. I have a number of goals to knock out, and I'm going to get there by letting the faintest little excuse in.

There are no shortcuts, drive the miles.
There are no quick fixes, just better smarter decisions.
Stop selling yourself short, be everything you are capable of.

Workout Hard, Workout Smart…there is NO Excuse!" #JustLikeThat


  1. Thank you Michelle!! I love your passion and have truly #MadeItCount! :-) I couldn't be more proud!

    1. *blush* Thank you Carl! As always thank you for everything that you do, and more specifically for such a smasher of piece of writing, it really has hit home!

  2. Well written, love the commitment you are making.

    1. Nothing like a mothers love and motivation! xxx
