Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Becoming the most XTREME version of me.

As the old cliché goes, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. For me, it began with 360.

I had been toying around with getting fitter and stronger for a while. Did a few challenges, got on my treadmill as though it would be my ultimate savior, ate salad to death. You know, the usual. There was always a lack of total commitment. I always wanted the body of a swimwear model, but never did I actually drive the miles to get it.

Come my birthday in January (remember that special Quarter Life Crisis I told you about), I ensured I got what I wanted and dropped all the right hints to get gifted with a sign up for the 360XBT 3 month transformation. Clean up your eating, and get ready to sweat was all my mind was bargaining for. I would never begin to fathom how much of an influence and impact it was going to have on my life.

Let me start by telling you, I am not by any means, the fittest, smallest or most disciplined person you have come across. But you know what? I have given the past two months my all.

At my last measure session, I had lost 75cm’s at the end of 6weeks. The scale and I are not the best of mates, but there is a notable difference in my clothing, my face, my booty, my everything. That however is nothing in comparison to what I have gained in motivation, self-belief and strength. What I have seen in myself in terms of personal growth and progression is astounding. I have realised what I am capable of, seen that I am only bound by the limitations I set, and that results speak louder than excuses. I have cleaned up my eating, see just about everything processed as a death wish. I have found an emotional balance that can’t be described, but I know I am now done with my old way of living. I am becoming the most XTREME version of myself.

***WARNING: Shameless punt ahead, read on only if you can't help yourself***

The workouts can be done from home or in a gym. The training plans are insane, but do able, the cardio-mix-it-up-try-not-to-kill-yourself's are my favourite! I now live for Monday and Tuesday.  There are meal guides and recipes, and an absolute wealth of knowledge and support from Carl and Chris. There is a group for encouragement and support which is absolutely priceless. Everything about the program fits perfectly together, and is the makings of a life changing story.

Get all the info here : 360 XBT - http://www.360training.co.za/360xbt/