Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kicking down doors, and taking names.

I feel like I need to haul out the feather duster, and give this blog a good dust and polish. Its been so long since I posted anything. Goodness me. So yes, this is going to be a mad dash update. Fasten your seat belt.

Fear not, there has been no shortage of Fitness or Fabooshness.
Although at one point I did fall so hard off the wagon, I got hit by the next one. Ahem. Moving along.

I am busy with the following program, (but I will blog about this separately). http://www.360training.co.za/360xbt-1-year/
I experience all new levels of pain and exhilaration each week, haahaa. I seriously thought I knew a thing or two about fitness and training, until this put me in my place. Watching my own progress has been phenomenal, seeing what I'm capable of has been priceless!

Then of course, you don't know clean eating until you have Reset / Rebooted or Whole 30ed. Stop kidding yourself, bitch up, and just do it. No, I'm not perfect at this either, but I am about to be. February has been perfectly squeaky clean, and I have every intention for it to stay that way for a very long time to come. The results are mind-effing-blowing if you just commit to it.

Living the life of fabulosity has not been as rawks as usual. This new focus of mine has dampened my mojo a tad. I'm still off the rocker me, just with less Vodka. I have made up for it though. You know because the entire world needs to know I'm kicking my QLC in the teeth, I had not one, but two birthday parties. I have a pretty large and varied group of friends, so get together's are not always on the cards. Little makes me cringe more than awkward social situations. It is for this reason that the second party was pretty much fueled by my famous Pimms. Drink up darling. Make a new buddy.

I am enjoying spending real, and quality time with people I love. Kicking back, reflecting and reveling in my own space, this is not something I do easily or often. It means less time shopping, I am trying really hard at this! Although I did  I hit the mall like a rabid beast and splurge on training pants this weekend. I am an entire size smaller, so yes it was necessary. No I'm not justifying.  All of this means that I'm resting better, and less fragile on Saturday mornings (if you know what I mean), so I am trying new things like Park Runs, Trail Runs, and now H I K I N G which I never, and I mean, never thought I would do. All I think of is spiders. I've always sworn I would never go hiking unless I was in Wellies, but I just decided to stop being such a pussy.

So no dear reader, its not Tequila sprawled nights anymore, but sometimes being magically faboosh is as simple as trying new things.

Aside from everything up there a lot has happened.  Life has been crazy. I'm just constantly on the go, 2014 is running at about 240km's per hour. Its taken me no less than 4 sitting to crack this blog. Work has been crazy, right before I started the blog I was promoted. For the better, on paper at least. As a result I am planning a most beautiful theatrical escape. I've realised there is so much more to life. There is so much more that I want out of life other than 2 hours of traffic, and 8 hours of bullshit.

...And then slap bang in the middle of that, I completed my Reiki Level 2 training. Something that has completely blown me away. Truly. It changes a part of me every single day. I can not describe it, or explain it, but something inside me has been Ctrl. Alt. Deleted.

Part of the Reiki process has been emotional clearing. Let me tell you, staring at the past, and everything you have tried to run from for fear of not holding it together anymore, is not easy. Allowing everything to be released when all you have done for countless years is hold on, is not easy.

I have had great days, down days, can't-contain-myself-crazy days, days where I literally just want to weep, days when I want to give up, days when I want to sell everything and live somewhere with beaches and Thai massuers. It really has been a whirlwind of every kind of emotion. Half the time I can't even understand the things I feel, why I feel them, or where they come. I have come to realise that it is all much much better out than in. It's all essential to progress, all the pieces of Michelle are falling back into place.

In hind sight, this renewed emotional balance could not have come at a better time. Weight loss and a change in lifestyle is as much an emotional and mental challenge as it is a physical. It is a journey into every cell that brings you to life, whether it be dark, distorted or perfectly radiant. Kind of like a long walk to freedom.

I'm going to cut myself short there before start to wonder if you hit the snooze button.

I have a shiny new sense of take-no-prisoners. A mindset that is simply not wavering. And the very cliched crystal clear vision. My new Tiger Blood trio. The only thing stopping me will be myself, and I've stepped out of my own way.

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